Monday, December 05, 2005

Linguistic Nimbility

Linguistic Nimbility (LN) consists of two skills. First, is the ability to determining the meaning of something given a short series of capital letters. Second, is the ability to understand what someone is referring two when the name for the thing has changed 3 or 4 times over the last 6 months. J

DSV-Data Source View
RDL-Report Definition Language
SMDL-Semantic Model Definition Language
SMQL-Semantic Model Query Language
TFC-Team Foundation Client
TFCS-Team Foundation Core Services (Earlier Burton Integration Services)
TFS-Team Foundation Server
VSTF-Visual Studio Team Foundation
VSTS-Visual Studio Team System
WITDL-Work Item Type Definition Language
WIQL-Work Item Query Language

Code Names
Everything in software has to have a code name. Why is that, you might ask? The reason is that no-one is allowed to name a software product or component except for marketing. And marketing is not willing (and rightfully so) to name a software product until the very last minute before it comes out. So, software teams come up with code names to refer to the product or feature they are working on.

Burton-Visual Studio Team System
Cassini-VS 2005 Built-in Web Server
Currituck-VSTS Work Item Tracking System
F1-VSTS Profiling System.
FxCop-Static Code Analyzers for managed code
Hatteras-VSTS Source Control System
Longhorn-Windows Vista
Okracoke-VSTS Web Testing System
Orcas-Visual Studio 200x targeting Longhorn
PREfast-Static Code Analyzers for C/C++ code
Rosetta-SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Whidbey-Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0
Whitehorse-VSTS Distributed System Designers
Yukon-SQL Server 2005

DLL Names (Beta and Final)
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Hatteras.Client -Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client

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